The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This week’s edition offers a save-the-date for a Libraries Unlimited presentations, introduces readers to Andre Brewer through “three weird questions,” and provides oodles of upcoming events, reminders, and more!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times
Tag: Melody Herr
Tuesday Times
The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This week’s edition highlights news from the SLA annual conference, a review of a book featuring a chapter co-written by a UA librarian, and more!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times
Tuesday Times
The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This week’s edition highlights a WEST archive milestone, Three Weird Questions with Katherine Williams, and more!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times
Tuesday Times
The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This week’s edition is chock FULL of details on our Innovation Fund, faculty and staff accomplishments, upcoming guests and events, and info on planned outages, website revisions, and MORE!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times